Providing a broad and balanced curriculum for our children to follow informed by the National Curriculum (2014). The subjects taught aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum of academic, cultural and physical pursuits.
At Newton Leys Primary School and Nursery, we believe that all children should have access to high quality musical opportunities every week. Music is beneficial to our children’s development and wellbeing and helps to enrich their lives and education. Pupils follow the National Curriculum for music and work at levels appropriate for their ability.
Key Stage 1
In Key Stage 1, weekly music lessons involve singing, listening and practical activities with a focus on pitch, beat, and performance. Where possible lessons are linked to the other termly topics, to enhance cross-curricular links. Children are given the chance to use percussion instruments, performing in small groups and individually both in unison and in rounds.
Every Christmas, Key Stage 1 children take part in a performance where they can utilise their singing skills from music lessons and singing assemblies, to perform with their peers for an audience.
Key Stage 2
In Key Stage 2, children build on prior learning and extend their understanding of pitch and beat. They also have the opportunity to play musical instruments and learn to develop accuracy, control and expression. All children are given the opportunity to play in a group and individually. Throughout this Key Stage, children explore musical history through looking into the work of different composers and artists of different genres of music including film music, classical music and pop. Children also learn about musical notation and how to compose simple melodies and accompaniments.
In Year 6, the children work towards their end of year performance. Last year, the children were hugely successful in performing 'Prexit' which involved a variety of singing and acting.
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